ALJ (270 Vegitabs)

ALJStock #768-6 (270 Vegitabs)This information is provided by YourRoadLessTraveled.comALJ is an herbal formula designed to help relieve respiratory congestion and symptoms commonly associated with the common cold, influenza (flu), bronchitis and allergies. ALJ...

Psyllium Hulls (100 caps)

Psyllium HullsStock #545-9 (100 capsules)This information is provided by  Psyllium is a popular natural bulk laxative, used in many over-the-counter brands, and is considered beneficial for constipation stemming from either an over-relaxed or...

Licorice Root (50 caps)

Licorice RootStock #424-5 (50 capsules)This information is provided by  Licorice has been used since ancient times for colds, coughs and sore throats. Several ancient cultures believed licorice would increase endurance, strength and sexual...

Vaccination Detox

Vaccination DetoxStock #8980-0 (1 fl.oz.)This information is provided by  Vaccination Detox homeopathic remedy is designed to provide relief of minor symptoms stemming from the minor side-effects of vaccinations, including: restlessness,...

Distress Remedy

Distress RemedyStock #8975-1 (1 fl.oz.)This information is provided by  Distress Remedy is a combination homeopathic and flower remedy based on the famous Bach Flower Rescue Remedy. Distress Remedy is designed to provide soothing relief from...