Distress Remedy

  • Stock #8975-1 (1 fl.oz.)
This information is provided by YourRoadLessTraveled.com
Distress Remedy is a combination homeopathic and flower remedy based on the famous Bach Flower Rescue Remedy. Distress Remedy is designed to provide soothing relief from minor pain and associated mild emotional distress.

Distress Remedy is recommended for a variety of emergency or stressful situations including:

minor accidents and injuries (bruises, cuts, scrapes, slivers, etc.)
mild pain and inflammation (blisters, pulled muscles, joint pain, toothache)
occasional nervous tension (beginning school, holidays, inclement weather, vacations)
minor emotional stress (accidents, arguments, dental appointments, speaking engagements, exams)


Arnica montana (Leopard’s Bane) 3x
Calendula officinalis (Garden Marigold) 3x
Symphytum officinale (Comfrey) 3x
Belladonna (Nightshade) 6x
Clematis vitalba, Flos (Traveler’s Joy) 6x
Helianthemum nummularium (Rock Rose) 6x
Impatiens glandulifera, Flos (Impatiens) 6x
Orinthogalum umbellatum (Star of Bethlehem) 6x
Prunus cerasifera, Flos (Cherry-Plum) 6x
Purified water
Potassium benzoate

This information is provided by YourRoadLessTraveled.com