Thyroid Activator

  • Stock #1224-0 (100 capsules)
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Thyroid Activator is a rich source of organic iodine which nourishes the thyroid gland, strengthens thyroid function, and helps improve sluggish metabolism. Thyroid Activator contains herbs which also soothe inflammation, enhance circulation to promote healing, encourage the growth of healthy colonic flora, and improve elimination and detoxification by absorbing toxins from the bowel. Additionally, Thyroid Activator helps moisten dry tissues, relieves skin problems, eliminates water retention, improves digestion, enhance respiratory function, and provides numerous trace minerals to nourish the body.

Thyroid Activator has been used extensively for enlarged glands, particularly lymph, prostate and thyroid glands. Thyroid Activator is also beneficial for anemia, arthritis, debility, fatigue, goiter, high blood pressure, inflammatory skin conditions, obesity, respiratory problems, sluggish metabolism, rheumatism, sore throat, urinary tract infection, and water retention.

Black walnut hulls are a good source of iodine, and as such, are popular as a thyroid stimulant to help underactive thyroid conditions. Black walnut contains linolenic acid, an essential fatty acid necessary for healthy cell function, the production of prostaglandins, and useful for menstrual dysfunction and skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis. Black walnut provides a rich source of the trace mineral selenium, as well as iron and potassium. A team of scientists from the University of Missouri conducted studies in the late 1960’s which showed that ellagic acid, found in black walnut, reduced blood pressure while simultaneously inhibiting other substances from reducing blood pressure when used in large doses. Black walnut has also been used for anemia, chronic diarrhea, hemorrhoids, and to expel a variety of intestinal parasites, worms and yeast.

Irish moss plant contains a rich supply of iodine which is necessary for healthy thyroid function and metabolism; for treating fatigue, goiter and obesity; and for increasing the strength and flexibility of connective tissues, such as are found in the hair, nails and skin. Irish moss contains a high concentration of mucilaginous substances which moisturize and soothe inflamed or ulcerated tissues, including chapped skin, dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis. Irish moss\’ soothing quality is beneficial for acid indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis, and urinary infections, including cystitis. Irish moss also provides a mild laxative effect on the body. Its mucilage facilitates the formation of bulky stools and absorbs toxins from the colon, thus improving the body’s detoxifying processes and aiding intestinal problems. Irish moss is valuable for treating convalescence due to its rich supply of protein and other nutrients, including calcium, magnesium, and sodium.

Kelp plant has long been used in Oriental medicine to moisten and soften dry, hardened tissues in the body such as cysts or tumors. Kelp also enhances kidney function and corrects hormone imbalances, especially relating to the thyroid gland. Kelp’s rich supply of nutrients improves digestion and respiration, helps reduce the effects of stress upon the body, increases immunity, and promotes general well-being. Kelp is commonly used for anemia, angina, arthritis, asthma, candidiasis, diabetes, difficulty swallowing, enlarged glands, fatigue, fungal infections, goiter, hair loss, high blood pressure, prostate and ovarian problems, obesity, radiation/heavy metal poisoning, tumors and foreign growths, ulcers, and inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. Kelp is rich in iodine salts (up to 1%) and amino acids which enhance thyroid function and stimulate metabolism to help the body burn excess fat. Iodine is an integral component of the thyroid hormones, thyroxine and triiodothyronine. Scientific studies show kelp prevents breast cancer in women, particularly Japanese women who consume kelp as food.

Parsley herb timulates production of digestive fluids and enhances the elimination of wastes from inflamed joints via the kidneys. Parsley helps tone the urinary system and has been used effectively for almost any type of kidney and urinary problems, including dysuria, edema, nephritis, prostatitis, swollen breasts and glands, urinary tract infections, and even obesity. Parsley also helps with stones in the bladder, gall bladder, or kidneys. Parsley effectively dries watery mucous conditions and is helpful for allergies, asthma, bronchitis, coughs, dropsy (hydrops), and mucus in the bladder. Parsley acts as an antispasmodic, lowers blood pressure, strengthens the adrenal glands, and enhances brain and optic nerve function.

Sarsaparilla root is primarily a blood purifier, focusing most of its action in the colon. Sarsaparilla regulates colonic bacteria, absorbing the toxins produced by yeasts and other colonic bacteria and eliminating them from the bowel. Sarsaparilla also relieves the inflammation caused by the body’s reaction to such toxins. This may explain sarsaparilla’s history as a cure for arthritis, inflammatory bowel problems, jaundice, prostatitis, rheumatism, and skin inflammations, such as boils, eczema, psoriasis, and skin ulcers. Studies show steroidal saponins in sarsaparilla demonstrate some antibiotic and antiseptic action and stimulate urine production, making sarsaparilla a natural diuretic for such problems as premenstrual water retention and bloating, congestive heart failure, and high blood pressure. Sarsaparilla’s anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties may indicate its use for treating impotence. Sarsaparilla also promotes perspiration and relaxes muscle spasms.

Watercress herb timulates circulation and urine flow, increases the production of digestive fluids and bile, purifies and builds the blood, enhances lung and kidney function, moistens the lungs and throat, relaxes muscle spasms, and reduces cancerous growths. Watercress has traditionally been used for anemia, difficult urination, eczema, flatulence, hepatitis, jaundice, rheumatism, sore/dry throat, and urinary tract infections.

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