• Stock #1089-8 (100 capsules)
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THIM-J is an herbal antioxidant and immune-stimulant formula. THIM-J strengthens immunity and increases the body’s resistance to infection and free radical damage, named as a causative factor in degenerative conditions such as cancer. THIM-J contains a blend of herbs and antioxidants which stimulate white blood cell activity, improve digestion and absorption of nutrients, enhance detoxification and elimination, reduce inflammation, and contain powerful cancer-fighting constituents.THIM-J is beneficial for those with weakened immunity or suffering from bacterial or viral infections, chronic illness, debility, digestive dysfunction, fatigue, inflammatory conditions, nutritional deficiency, respiratory ailments, toxicity, and various cancers.

Beta-carotene encourages the production of T-lymphocytes (“helper” cells) in the immune system, and discourages yeast infections caused by Candida albicans. Research also shows taking increased amounts of beta-carotene helps to prevent certain types of cancer, including bladder, colon/rectum, esophagus, larynx, prostate and stomach cancer. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that 30mg or more of beta-carotene taken daily for 2 months increased T-cell production.

Broccoli, a type of cruciferous vegetable, is rich in nutrients, including beta-carotene, vitamin C, pantothenic acid (B5), and chlorophyll. Cruciferous vegetables, which get their name from having cross-shaped flowers, contain cancer-fighting substances called indoles which have been shown to balance hormones, eliminate toxins from the liver and intestines, increase immunity, and prevent free radical damage. Broccoli also provides antioxidant protection.

Cabbage is rich in mucilage, which moistens the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract, soothes inflammation, and improves digestion. Cabbage contains a substance known as vitamin U, which has been found to help soothe and heal ulcers. Cabbage also contains iodine and ample vitamin C, and provides antioxidant protection.

Horseradish is a strong digestive stimulant, increasing both gastric juices and appetite. Horseradish stimulates circulation, induces perspiration, increases the production of mucosal fluids to remove allergens and toxins from the respiratory tract, and also acts as an antiseptic, diuretic and expectorant. Horseradish contains an active ingredient called sinigrin, which when crushed, produces allyl isothiocyanate, a substance shown to exhibit mild antibiotic activity against microorganisms in the respiratory and urinary tracts. Horseradish is typically used for asthma, bronchitis, colds, coughs, debility, fever (characterized by coldness), flu, hay fever, rheumatism, and sinus congestion. Horseradish is not recommended for those with low thyroid function or stomach ulcers.

Parsley stimulates production of digestive fluids and enhances the elimination of wastes from inflamed joints via the kidneys. Parsley helps tone the urinary system and has been used effectively for almost any type of kidney and urinary problems. Parsley effectively dries watery mucous conditions and is helpful for allergies, asthma, bronchitis, coughs, and mucus in the bladder. Parsley acts as an antispasmodic, lowers blood pressure, strengthens the adrenal glands, and enhances brain and optic nerve function. Furthermore, according to studies, parsley exhibits antibacterial and antifungal action in vitro. Parsley is a rich source of iron and provides numerous trace minerals, particularly the electrolytes calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium. Parsley also provides vitamins A, B, C, and K, protein (up to 25%), and chlorophyll.

Red clover contains high concentrations of several important vitamins and minerals, making it an excellent nutritive supplement for many chronic degenerative conditions. Red clover is a natural diuretic and expectorant, stimulating urine flow and the production of mucus, which is ideal for treating bronchitis, dry cough, inflamed lungs, and whooping cough. Scientists conducting antibiotic tests on red clover have confirmed the herb’s activity against several bacteria, the most notable of which is the bacteria known to cause tuberculosis. Red clover helps the body manufacture bile and other digestive fluids and enzymes, and is a strong blood purifier. Red clover also contains phenolic acids, including salicylic acid, which reduce pain and inflammation. Furthermore, according to research published in Cancer Research, scientists have identified an isoflavone in red clover—biochanin A—which has been found to be a powerful carcinogenic inhibitor in animal studies. Many other countries use red clover as a natural treatment for cancers of the breast, lymphatic system, and ovaries.

Rose hips are a rich source of vitamin C, containing anywhere from 10-100 times more than any other food. Rose hips also contain vitamins A, B1, B2, D, E, K, P, pantothenic acid, flavonoids, carotenoids, and the minerals calcium, iron, phosphorus, and zinc. Rose hips\’ rich supply of bioflavonoids has been shown to increase the absorption of vitamin C, which in turn, strengthens connective tissues and reduces capillary fragility, easy bruising, hemorrhoids, and varicose veins. Rose hips also help stimulate immune function and fight infection and inflammation, useful for treating colds, fevers, general debility, and inflammatory skin conditions.

Numerous studies have outlined the effect of Siberian ginseng on mental and physical behavior, and its action as a brain and nerve tonic for promoting mental clarity. Siberian ginseng is used mostly for increasing endurance, stimulating circulatory and immune function, and regulating blood pressure. Siberian ginseng has also been shown to stimulate production of digestive fluids, balance blood sugar levels, and help reduce inflammation.

Wheat grass is actually the immature shoots of wheat. Wheat grass improves digestion and is a source of many trace nutrients and enzymes, including superoxide dismutase (SOD), a potent antioxidant. Wheat grass is very popular for helping arthritis, fatigue, general debility, and to strengthen the immune system.

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