
  • Stock #1027-9 (100 capsules)
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Pro-Pancreas is an herbal formula designed to improve the health and functioning of the pancreas. Pro-Pancreas contains 14 herbs that provide numerous health benefits, including lowering blood sugar levels, improving digestion, fighting infection, eliminating toxins, relaxing muscle spasms, relieving pain, and reducing inflammation, irritation and swelling of tissues. This unique combination also benefits the prostate gland by stimulating urine flow, reducing prostate enlargement, and fighting urinary tract infection and inflammation.

Pro-Pancreas is has been used for acidity, arthritis, cystitis (bladder inflammation), diabetes, gastrointestinal infection/inflammation, gout, hemorrhages, kidney dysfunction, menstrual problems, rheumatism, swollen/enlarged glands (including the prostate), ulcers, urinary dysfunction, urinary tract infection, and weakened pancreas.

Capsicum has long been used as a stimulant to increase circulation and cardiovascular activity, while at the same time lowering blood pressure and aiding in the prevention of heart attack and stroke. Capsicum has been found to effectively stimulate production of digestive and mucosal fluids, soothe inflammation, enhance the removal of toxins from the body, and relieve gastrointestinal problems, including bleeding ulcers, colic, dyspepsia, flatulence and even diarrhea. Capsicum’s antiseptic properties have been proven active against various gastrointestinal pathogens (disease-causing agents). Capsicum has been found beneficial for numerous ailments, including arthritis, cardiovascular disease, vascular headaches, impotence (resulting from venous insufficiency), infections, kidney problems, menstrual complaints, respiratory conditions such as asthma and pleurisy (inflammation of the lining of the lungs), thyroid dysfunction, and gastric ulcers.

Cedar berries timulate urine flow, increase production of digestive fluids, exhibit analgesic (pain-relieving) effects, and fight infection, especially in the urinary tract. Cedar berries also demonstrate an astringent action which helps stop bleeding, thus explaining the herb’s traditional use for menorrhagia and uterine hemorrhage. However, cedar berries are also used to stimulate menstruation, as in cases of amenorrhea (absence of menstruation). Research shows cedar berries exhibit antimicrobial activity in vitro, especially against Candida albicans, E. coli, Pseudonomas aurginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. Cedar berries have a long history of use for cystitis, gout, menstrual irregularities, rheumatism, urinary dysfunction, urinary tract infection, as well as for the treatment of diabetes—cedar berries demonstrate some hypoglycemic properties.

Dandelion has been shown to help the liver and gallbladder filter out toxins and purify the blood, as well as to stimulate the kidneys to eliminate toxins through the urine. Dandelion contains enzyme-like compounds that assist cell metabolism and increase bile secretion in the liver. As a result, dandelion inhibits bile duct inflammation, cirrhosis, dyspepsia with constipation, gallstones, hepatitis and jaundice. Other research shows dandelion exhibits anti-inflammatory properties and restricts the development of an enlarged or swollen liver. In essence, all glands associated with digestive function respond quickly and effectively to dandelion. Dandelion provides viscous fiber which absorbs toxins from the bowel, balances intestinal flora, lowers serum cholesterol, reduces bowel transit time, and soothes digestive tract tissues. Dandelion is also a source of bitter flavonoids that purify the blood, increase urine flow, relieve inflammation and muscle spasms, and provide a mild laxative action. The herb is especially beneficial for spleen ailments and for eliminating uric acid buildup. Dandelion has also been used to treat acne, age spots, anemia, eczema, frequent urination, heartburn, psoriasis, rheumatism, urinary disorders, water retention, chronic joint complaints such as gout and osteoarthritis, and edema resulting from high blood pressure and heart weakness.

Garlic has been shown to treat a variety of circulatory, digestive, respiratory and urinary problems. Garlic inhibits platelet aggregation and encourages the breakdown and production of fibrin, a clotting protein implicated in heart disease and strokes. Garlic reduces hypertension (high blood pressure) and lowers serum cholesterol, serum triglycerides and blood fats. Garlic has also been shown to raise HDL cholesterol levels. In addition, garlic enhances immune function, fights infection, and is an excellent remedy for a variety of chest complaints. In fact, garlic has been shown to reduce bronchial secretions which helps asthma. Garlic also acts as an effective expectorant. In the urinary system, garlic produces a cleansing reaction in the kidneys which causes an increase in urine flow. Furthermore, garlic increases bile production, thus enhancing digestion. Some of the more popular uses for garlic include asthma, atherosclerosis (fatty plaque buildup in the arteries), cancer, colds, coronary heart disease, coughs, diabetes, ear infections, flu, hemorrhoids, hypertension, inflammatory skin problems, intestinal parasites, tumors and urinary tract infections.

Studies show Goldenseal acts as an astringent, producing a vasoconstricting (tightening of the blood vessels) effect. Goldenseal’s astringent activity enables it to help tone mucous membranes, which in turn, aids stomach and intestinal disorders, prostate and vaginal complaints, and stops internal bleeding and prevents hemorrhaging. Goldenseal acts as a mild decongestant and laxative, relieves excess mucus, and reduces fever and inflammation associated with glandular swelling. Goldenseal increases the secretion of digestive enzymes and fluids, especially bile, which helps regulate liver and spleen functions. Goldenseal is recommended for numerous gastrointestinal disorders, including colitis (colon inflammation), enteritis (intestinal inflammation), gastritis (stomach inflammation), hemorrhoids, intestinal infections and peptic ulcers. Berberine, an isoquinoline alkaloid found in goldenseal, has been studied at length in both clinical and experimental environments for its antibacterial and amebicidal properties. Furthermore, goldenseal has been found to potentiate insulin and to have a hypoglycemic effect that is beneficial in the treatment of diabetes.

Juniper berries contain strong antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic (pain-relieving) properties that are helpful for fighting infections, especially within the urinary tract. Juniper berries are an effective natural diuretic and have been found to be especially beneficial for problems of the bladder, kidneys and prostate. Juniper berries are effective at fighting both bacterial and yeast infections, as well as chronic prostate and urinary tract infections in men with benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), also referred to as enlarged prostate. Juniper berries are commonly recommended for arthritis, colic, cystitis, dysuria (difficult or painful urination), edema, flatulence, gout, kidney inflammation, kidney stones, poor digestion, rheumatism, sinusitis (sinus inflammation), ulcers, and urethritis (inflammation of the urethra). Furthermore, juniper berries are a rich source of chromium and have been used to treat blood sugar imbalances, especially diabetes.

Licorice increases the production of digestive fluids and bile, soothes mucus membranes (especially in the stomach), relieves pain and inflammation, relaxes muscle spasms, enables the body to expel phlegm, strengthens the adrenal glands, stimulates the adrenal cortex, lowers cholesterol, and acts as a mild laxative. Licorice is also particularly beneficial for gastrointestinal problems such as gastritis, peptic ulceration, and excessive stomach acid. Licorice is a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic, and has been proven as an effective treatment for chronic hepatitis B and liver cirrhosis. Licorice has also been shown in numerous studies to be quite effective in treating hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), especially due to adrenal stress. Additionally, licorice exhibits antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial, antiviral and possible anticancer properties

Marshmallow increases the production of mucosal fluids which soothes inflamed tissues and helps heal both internal and external inflammatory conditions. Marshmallow is commonly used for bronchial asthma, shortness of breath, wheezing and other respiratory complaints. Marshmallow is especially beneficial for soothing and protecting mucous membranes and for counteracting excess stomach acid, gastritis, hiatal hernias and peptic ulcers. Marshmallow is recommended for most any condition affecting the genito-urinary tract, including cystitis, frequent urination, incontinence, painful urination and urinary tract infection. Marshmallow is also considered mildly laxative and is often used for various intestinal problems, including colitis, diverticulitis (inflammation of one or more of the small pouches (diverticula) lining the colon), enteritis (inflammation of the stomach and intestinal membranes), irritable bowel syndrome and regional ileitis (inflammation of the part of the small intestine known as the ileum). Recent research indicates a possible reduction in blood sugar levels using marshmallow, which could prove beneficial in treating diabetes.

Mullein contains mucilaginous substances, called polysaccharides, which protect mucous membranes and prevent them from absorbing toxins. The cooling, soothing properties of the mucilage lubricates tissues, reduces inflammation, and enhances healing. Mullein relaxes muscle spasms which helps relieve chronic coughing and abdominal cramping. Mullein also provides diuretic, analgesic (pain-relieving), antiseptic and antibacterial benefits. Such properties support mullein’s use for treating allergies and hayfever, dysuria, glandular swelling, hemorrhoids, inflammatory skin conditions, influenza, nephritis (kidney inflammation), ulcers, urinary tract infections, and even nervous tension and insomnia.

Nettle provides a cleansing, detoxifying action on the body, stimulating urine flow and enhancing elimination. Nettle slows or completely stops bleeding (nosebleeds and wounds) and acts as an astringent, making it beneficial for excessive menstrual bleeding. Nettle is anti-allergenic and has been shown to be helpful for asthma, hay fever and itching. Studies show nettle slightly lowers blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Nettle is especially rich in iron, as well as vitamins A and C, iodine, magnesium, potassium, silicon, sodium, chlorophyll and indoles. Nettle is useful for anemia, arthritis, breast-milk production, edema, gout, hemorrhage (especially of the uterus), hemorrhoids, menorrhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding), poor kidney function, rheumatism, and skin problems such as eczema and insect bites.

Slippery elm has been found to be an effective remedy for irritation of the mucous membranes, stomach, intestines and urinary tubules. When slippery elm makes contact with inflamed surfaces, its mucilage coats and soothes irritated tissues, helping to protect them from injury and drawing out irritants and toxic substances. Slippery elm is believed to also soothe inflammation by stimulating nerve endings in the stomach and intestines, which in turn, results in the secretion of mucosal fluids. Due to its high mucilage content, slippery elm has been shown to be quite effective for absorbing toxins from the bowel, balancing intestinal flora, and reducing bowel transit time. Slippery elm has been found extremely beneficial for acidity, arthritic inflammation, asthma, bronchitis, chronic cystitis, colic, colitis, constipation, convalescence, coughs, diarrhea, diverticulitis, gastroenteritis, hemorrhoids, inflammatory/irritable bowel conditions, pleurisy, sore throat, tuberculosis, ulcers and weak digestion.

Uva ursi is an herb that focuses its many actions on the urinary system. Uva ursi soothes and tightens inflamed tissues, helps neutralize urine acidity, promotes urine flow, and acts as an antiseptic and muscle relaxant specific to the urinary tract, thus decreasing responses to pain stimuli from infections. Uva ursi has also been shown to help prevent and dissolve kidney and gallstones, induce labor, and help problems associated with diabetes and the prostate gland. Common uses include bedwetting, bladder ailments, cystitis, gonorrhea, hemorrhoids, kidney congestion and infections, nephritis, rheumatism, urinary tract infections, vaginal discharge and venereal disease.

White oak bark is rich in tannins (quercitannic acids) known for their ability to shrink tissues and constrict blood vessels. White oak bark also acts as an antiseptic and mild diuretic. Such actions confirm historical uses of white oak bark for treating anal fissures (lesions), bladder weakness, diarrhea, gum problems/pyorrhea, hemorrhage, hemorrhoids, mouths sores, mucus discharges, prolapsed uterus/rectum, sore throat, flabby ulcers and varicose veins. White oak bark has even been used to stop the coughing up of blood from the lungs—a condition known as hemoptysis.

Yarrow shrinks inflamed tissues, stops bleeding, lowers blood pressure, induces perspiration to help lower fever, and relaxes muscle spasms. Anti-inflammatory properties supplied by the chemical, chamazulene, have been documented in animal studies, supporting the use of yarrow for hemorrhoids, ulcers and other inflammatory conditions. As a blood cleanser, yarrow promotes the removal of body toxins via perspiration, and is often recommended for chicken pox and smallpox. Yarrow also enhances the elimination of uric acid buildup in the joints, which can contribute to arthritis, gout and rheumatism.

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