Nature’s Three

  • Stock #1345-0 (12 oz.)
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Nature’s Three is a sodium-free, fiber-rich dietary supplement. Conclusive findings show low fiber intake is directly related to obesity, diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, colon disease (including colon cancer), and various other ailments associated with the high-processed Western diet. Nature’s Three provides dietary fiber which has been shown to play a key role in controlling cholesterol and blood sugar levels, as well as providing dietary bulk for preventing constipation and relieving diarrhea. The fiber content in Nature’s Three also absorbs toxins and unabsorbed fats in the bowel and eliminates them. Nature’s Three can even be taken before meals to help control appetite and assist in weight management.

Each serving of Nature’s Three provides 2 grams of total dietary fiber (1gram of soluble fiber and 1 gram of insoluble fiber) and only 10 calories. In fact, one serving of Nature’s Three supplies the fiber equivalent of one fresh apple and only 10% of the calories.

Apple fiber , or pectin, helps soften stools and increases bowel transit time. Since the late 1950’s, apple pectin has been known to increase the excretion of cholesterol, lipids and bile acids and to bind with bile acids to lower cholesterol and fat absorption. One study showed that 15 grams of apple pectin taken daily reduced plasma cholesterol about 13%. When pectin supplementation was discontinued, cholesterol levels rose. In comparison, a 10-year study of nearly 4,000 men with high blood cholesterol, taking a drug called “Cholestyramine” was completed. Results were comparable to pectin, as the drug lowered blood cholesterol 13.4%. However, the drug had to be taken 6 times daily at a cost of $150 per month, worked successfully only when assisted by a change in diet, and caused side-effects resulting in 27% of the participants dropping out of the study and discontinuing the medication. Apple pectin causes no such side-effects, is considerably less expensive, and provides multiple health benefits.

Apples have been used to balance low blood sugar and counter the emotional depression associated with blood sugar upsets. Apple pectin absorbs carbohydrates and sugars, releasing them in the intestinal tract over a longer time period. This increases energy efficiency and results in a notably slower increase in blood sugar levels. Studies suggests that pectin may decrease the severity of diabetes, as fiber-deficient diets actually help cause diabetes mellitus. Research data has confirmed that adding apple pectin and guar gum, another fiber, to meals can greatly reduce glucose and insulin levels following meals in both non-diabetics and non-insulin-dependent diabetics. Other studies found that insulin-dependent diabetics placed on long-term, pectin-rich diets, experienced a continual decrease in plasma glucose and eventually greatly reduced their insulin.

Apple pectin has also been proven to be beneficial for softening, reducing and preventing gallstones

Oat bran has been shown in university studies to help reduce blood cholesterol and lower the risk of heart disease. Oat bran is an excellent source of dietary fiber and is rich source of vitamin B1, iron, phosphorus, and potassium. Oat bran is safe for individuals sensitive to grain gluten. Studies have determined oat bran can lower blood cholesterol as much as 20%. Furthermore, oat bran has been shown to decrease fecal pH which is indicated as a possible risk factor for developing colorectal cancer.

Psyllium hulls are comprised of 70% soluble fiber in contrast to oat bran which is only 7% soluble fiber. Psyllium has become a widely-used fiber supplement, as high fiber diets are recommended when trying to control weight and lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Dietary fibers, such as psyllium, help provide a sense of fullness and slow the absorption of cholesterol and sugars into the blood stream. Numerous studies demonstrate psyllium’s ability to significantly lower both total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels. Psyllium hulls also act like a colon “broom,” cleansing the intestines and absorbing toxins adhered to intestinal walls. Preliminary studies show psyllium may be helpful for managing diabetes.

Nature’s Three contains fructose, a natural sugar found in fruits and honey, and natural flavors.

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