Joint Support

  • Stock #810-8 (100 capsules)
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Joint Support is an herbal combination that concentrates it action on alleviating pain, inflammation and swelling in connective tissues by improving digestion and detoxification. Joint Support contains herbs that purify the blood, stimulate circulation to promote healing, strengthen connective tissues and bones, increase the production of mucosal fluids to soothe inflammation, induce perspiration to eliminate toxins, relax muscle spasms, and fight infection.

Joint Support has been widely used for arthritis, debility, edema (fluid retention), gastritis (stomach inflammation), gastrointestinal inflammation, gout, headaches, hypertension (high blood pressure), inflammatory skin conditions, prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate), rheumatism, turbid (cloudy) urine, and urinary tract inflammation.

Alfalfa has been used throughout history as a remedy for all types of inflammation including arthritis, gout and rheumatism. Alfalfa is also a popular blood purifier, assisting cellular detoxification by neutralizing chemical carcinogens in the liver and small intestine. Alfalfa’s rich enzyme and nutritional contents help improve digestion and assimilation of nutrients, as well as stimulate appetite. Thus, alfalfa has been shown to be helpful for treating anorexia, convalescence, debility, emaciation (extreme thinness) and weak digestion. Alfalfa exhibits a positive affect on high blood pressure and antibacterial activity against gram negative bacteria. Alfalfa also promotes the proliferation of healthy intestinal flora to guard against intestinal pathogens (disease-causing microorganisms).

Black cohosh acts as an anti-inflammatory for arthritic and rheumatic conditions, especially arthritis associated with menopause. Black cohosh also acts as a mild analgesic (pain-reliever), due to the presence of salicylic acid. The mild hypotensive (reduce blood pressure), sedative and vasodilatory (dilate blood vessels) effects produced by black cohosh have been found helpful for treating high blood pressure, tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and vertigo (dizziness). Black cohosh contains a variety of „irritants” that are responsible for many of its different properties. The tannins and acids in black cohosh enable it to be used as a diuretic and expectorant, while also helping to promote perspiration to reduce fever and expel toxins, and enhance menstrual flow and uterine contractions.

Bromelain, derived from pineapples, it a protein-digesting enzyme that simultaneously kills worms in the gastrointestinal tract. Bromelain has been found to possess neuro-muscular relaxing properties that are beneficial for soothing vascular (blood vessel) linings. Preliminary research shows bromelain also helps break down fibrin—a substance that binds platelets together to form blood clots and which also contributes to swelling. Bromelain is considered an adjunctive treatment for inflammation and swelling resulting from injury or surgery, painful menstrual hemorrhaging, and boxing injuries, including facial swelling and hematomas (a localized swelling filled with blood).

Burdock is especially useful for treating conditions related to chronic toxicity, as it stimulates elimination of wastes via the colon, kidneys and skin. Burdock is particularly well-known as a blood purifier, and has also been used to soothe inflammation in both internal and external tissues. Clinical studies have shown burdock improves liver and gallbladder function. Research indicates burdock is helpful for treating inflammatory conditions resulting from chronic toxicity, including arthritis, gout, heavy metal poisoning, infection, rheumatism and sore throat, as well as chronic skin conditions such as abscesses, acne, boils, burns, carbuncles, eczema, psoriasis, rashes, skin infections and benign skin tumors.

Capsicum has long been used as a stimulant to increase circulation and cardiovascular activity, while at the same time lowering blood pressure and aiding in the prevention of heart attack and stroke. Capsicum has been found to effectively stimulates production of digestive and mucosal fluids which helps improve digestion, soothes inflammation, enhances the removal of toxins from the body, and relieves gastrointestinal problems, including bleeding ulcers, colic, dyspepsia, flatulence and even diarrhea. Capsicum has been found beneficial for numerous ailments, including arthritis, vascular headaches, impotence (resulting from venous insufficiency), infections, kidney problems, menstrual complaints, rheumatism, thyroid dysfunction, gastric ulcers and respiratory conditions such as asthma and pleurisy (inflammation of the lining of the lungs).

Catnip exhibits a soothing, sedative effect on the digestive system, relieving colic, diarrhea, flatulence, nervous indigestion, stomach upset, stress-induced dyspepsia, and headaches associated with digestive problems. Catnip has also been found to stimulate appetite prior to meals and improve digestion following meals. Catnip also helps excitability, insomnia and palpitations. In addition, catnip acts as a mild antispasmodic to alleviate chronic coughs and menstrual cramping.

Celery seed lowers blood pressure, alleviates indigestion, strengthens kidney function, improves circulation to increase blood flow to joints and muscles, reduces inflammation and acidity, stimulates the uterus, and acts as an antiseptic, diuretic and sedative. Celery seeds also help respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis and hiccups. Studies conducted in China and Germany have confirmed celery seeds have a mild calming action on the central nervous system, while Chinese researchers have also confirmed the herb’s use for high blood pressure. Celery seeds are beneficial for edema, flatulence, gout, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and urinary tract inflammation. Celery seeds are not recommended during pregnancy.

Horsetail strengthens the skeletal system, speeding the healing of damaged connective tissue and improving elasticity. Horsetail is commonly used to relieve arthritic conditions and reduce menopausal bone loss which can lead to osteoporosis. Horsetail is an excellent clotting agent and also provides antibacterial, antiseptic and astringent properties, focusing much of its action on the genitourinary system. Horsetail tones the bladder and urinary mucus membranes, fights infection, and helps heal various urinary tract ailments, especially where there is bleeding. Combined with its diuretic activity, horsetail has been shown to correct cystitis (bladder inflammation), enuresis (involuntary urine discharge), prostatitis, urethritis (inflammation of the urethra), and incontinence in both children and adults. Horsetail also reduces chronic swelling in the legs and relaxes muscles cramps.

Hydrangea’s antiseptic and diuretic properties have been confirmed; however, further research is still needed to establish how hydrangea works. The herb is believed to promote expulsion of urinary stones, help break down any that remain, and aid in preventing their formation. In fact, hydrangea may be useful for dissolving various types of objects, including lumps and tumors. Recent tests show hydrangea can reduce inflammation of the prostate and assist prostate health. Hydrangea is used for many disorders in the genitourinary system, such as benign prostatic hypertrophy (enlarged prostate), calcium deposits, cystitis, dysuria, edema, incontinence, inflammation, prostatitis, tumor development, urethritis, urinary tract infections, and even gout and rheumatoid arthritis.

Sarsaparilla is primarily a blood purifier, focusing most of its action in the colon. Sarsaparilla regulates colonic bacteria, absorbing the toxins produced by yeasts and other colonic bacteria and eliminating them from the bowel. Sarsaparilla also relieves the inflammation caused by the body’s reaction to such toxins. This may explain sarsaparilla’s history as a cure for arthritis, inflammatory bowel problems, jaundice, prostatitis, rheumatism an d skin inflammations, such as boils, eczema, psoriasis and skin ulcers. Researchers have also found the herb to demonstrate anti-tubercle bacillus activity in culture studies.

Slippery elm has been found to be an effective remedy for irritation of the mucus membranes, stomach, intestines and urinary tubules. When slippery elm makes contact with inflamed surfaces, its mucilage coats and soothes irritated tissues, helping to protect them from injury and drawing out irritants and toxic substances. Slippery elm is believed to also soothe inflammation by stimulating nerve endings in the stomach and intestines which in turn, results in the secretion of mucosal fluids. Due to its high mucilage content, slippery elm has been shown to be quite effective for absorbing toxins from the bowel, balancing intestinal flora, and reduces bowel transit time. Slippery elm has been found extremely beneficial for acidity, arthritic inflammation, asthma, bronchitis, chronic cystitis, colic, colitis (inflammation of the colon), constipation, convalescence, coughs, diarrhea, diverticulitis (inflammation of one or more of the small pouches (diverticula) lining the colon), gastroenteritis (inflammation of the stomach and intestinal lining), hemorrhoids, inflammatory/irritable bowel conditions, pleurisy (inflammation of the lining of the lungs), sore throat, tuberculosis, ulcers and weak digestion.

Valerian has been proven through extensive research to promote restful sleep, improve the quality of sleep, reduce blood pressure, and relax muscle spasms associated with asthma, colic, convulsions, coughs, croup, epilepsy, irritable bowel syndrome, menstrual and stomach cramps, and neck and shoulder tension. Valerian also helps alleviate symptoms associated with stress or nervous tension such as aggression and irritability, depression, fatigue, headaches, heart palpitations, migraines, panic, sweating, tremors, and restless sleep accompanied by repeated waking. Valerian is non-addictive and its effects are not increased with alcohol consumption. Normal sleepers are typically unaffected by valerian use.

White willow bark has been used for centuries to reduce fevers and inflammation, relieve pain, increase peripheral blood flow, and tighten body tissues. White willow’s astringent action helps stop internal bleeding and inhibit platelet aggregation. Typical uses of white willow bark include treating angina (chest pain), arthritis, chills, dandruff, diarrhea, digestive organ weakness, dysentery, earache, eczema, eye problems, fevers, gout, headaches, hot flashes, inflammatory stages of autoimmune diseases, influenza (flu), malaria, neuralgia (nerve pain), night sweats, nosebleeds, rheumatism, sore muscles and toothache.

Yarrow shrinks inflamed tissues, stops bleeding, lowers blood pressure, induces perspiration to help lower fever, and relaxes muscle spasms. Anti-inflammatory properties supplied by the chemical, chamazulene, have been documented in animal studies, supporting the use of yarrow for hemorrhoids, ulcers, and other inflammatory conditions. As a blood cleanser, yarrow promotes the removal of body toxins via perspiration, and is often recommended for chicken pox and smallpox. Yarrow also enhances the elimination of uric acid buildup in the joints that can contribute to arthritis, gout and rheumatism.

Yucca contains steroidal saponins that are responsible for helping to reduce inflammation and dissolve obstructions in the joints. Yucca saponins actually increase elimination of toxins via the blood, kidneys, liver and lymph, thus decreasing toxic conditions in the body that can build up in the joints. Also, yucca saponins are believed to promote the body’s production of cortisone. Thus, yucca has been used with many chronic, degenerative diseases, including arthritis, liver congestion and rheumatism. Yucca also promotes better nutrient absorption, exhibits antibacterial and antifungal qualities, and enhances the growth of good colonic flora.

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