
  • Stock #3943-0 (5 ml)
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Helichrysum essential oil, also known as “everlasting” or “immortelle,” is a fairly new addition to aromatherapy, having many different uses.

Helichrysum oil is well-known for lifting depression and relieving fatigue and lethargy. Helichrysum also helps soothe nervous exhaustion and stress-related psychological complaints. In addition, there is some indication that helichrysum may increase dream activity.1-3

Research has shown that helichrysum oil exhibits definite antibacterial activity against several Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Helichrysum also strengthens immune function, assists lymph drainage, reduces allergic reactions, combats free radical activity, and is particularly helpful as an expectorant for loosening and eliminating mucus buildup, due to the presence of ketones in the oil. Such information confirms the use of helichrysum for treating infection and inflammation associated with asthma, bronchitis, chronic coughs, colds, fever, influenza, and whooping cough.1-6

Helichrysum oil also exerts a stimulating effect on the digestive system, promoting the release of bile from the gallbladder and relieving liver and spleen congestion. Headaches associated with liver congestion, including migraine headaches, have been effectively alleviated by helichrysum oil.2,4

Helichrysum oil’s anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties make it useful for treating contusions, muscular aches and pain, neuralgia, phlebitis (venous inflammation), rheumatism and sprained or strained muscles. In fact, helichrysum is one of the strongest anti-inflammatory oils in aromatherapy, along with German chamomile. Helichrysum is even effective for joint pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis, especially when used with a compress. In addition, helichrysum can stop hemorrhaging if applied in time.1-4,7

Used topically, helichrysum’s cytophylactic (cell-regenerative), antiseptic, anti-allergenic and astringent properties make this oil particularly beneficial for skin care. The ketones in helichrysum are primarily responsible for the oil’s stimulating effect on cell and tissue regeneration. Applied externally, helichrysum can produce remarkable results for wound healing and reducing scars, as well as for promoting the growth of new skin tissue. Not surprisingly, helichrysum is often included in regenerative skin care products. Aromatherapists regularly use helichrysum oil for the treatment of abscesses, acne, boils, burns, cuts, dermatitis, eczema, mature skin, psoriasis, skin spots, and scar tissue (resulting from accidents or cosmetic surgery). Extracts of helichrysum are even added to sunscreen formulas to protect skin from ultraviolet rays.1-4

Furthermore, with its unique healing properties and ability to penetrate through the skin into the circulatory system, helichrysum oil has provided excellent results in treating minor injuries such as bruises, sprains and twisted ankles, particularly when there is swelling and subsequent hemorrhages. Immediate application of helichrysum to a sprained or torn area can not only prevent severe swelling and hematomas (bruising), but also eliminate acute pain.3

This information is provided by YourRoadLessTraveled.com

1Keville, K. & Green, M. Aromatherapy: A Complete Guide to the Healing Art. Freedom, CA: The Crossing Press, 1995.

2Damian, P. and Damian, K. Aromatherapy: Scent and Psyche. Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press, 1995.

3Schnaubelt PhD, K. Advanced Aromatherapy. Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press, 1995.

4Lawless, J. The Encyclopaedia of Essential Oils. Rockport, MA: Element Books, 1992.

5Chinou, I.B., et. al. “Chemical and biological studies on two Helichrysum species of Greek origin.” Planta Medica; 1996, 62(4): 377-379.

6Facino, R.M., et. al. “Phytochemical characterization and radical scavenger activity of flavonoids from Helichrysum italicum G. Don (Compositae).” Pharmacology Research; 1990, 22(6): 709-721.

7Buckle RGN, J. Clinical Aromatherapy in Nursing. San Diego, CA: Singular Publishing Group Inc., 1997.