• Stock #1207-7 (100 capsules)
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CLT-X is a gentle and healing laxative formula which helps soothe inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. CLT-X contains herbs which also absorb toxins and improve bowel function. Additional benefits of this herbal combination include increasing circulation to the colon to speed the healing of tissues, calming spastic muscles, stimulating the growth of good colonic flora, and increasing urine flow.

CLT-X is typically used for colitis, constipation, convalescence, debility, diarrhea, digestive dysfunction, gastrointestinal inflammation, hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome, malnutrition, overall weakness, spastic colon and ulcers.

Dong quai has been shown to relieve stagnation in the spleen, reduce inflammation, improve digestion, and treat constipation and dyspepsia, particularly among the elderly. Dong quai acts as a mild analgesic (pain-reliever), laxative, and sedative, and exhibits some antibacterial activity against vaginal infection. Recent studies show dong quai reduces arrhythmia, and blood cholesterol, and may prove beneficial in the treatment of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

Ginger contains a volatile oil and other compounds which act as digestive stimulants to encourage the production of digestive fluids and saliva. Ginger neutralizes acids and toxins in the digestive tract which reduces gas and pain in the bowel. Ginger has been clinically proven to substantially reduce diarrhea, nausea and vomiting associated with the common 24-hour and three-day flus. Ginger has been shown to reduce inflammation by acting as a prostaglandin inhibitor, in much the same way as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) work. Studies show ginger relaxes muscle spasms and relieves pain and inflammation associated with rheumatic conditions.

Lobelia calms the nerves, dilates the bronchioles, and acts as an expectorant, natural sedative, mild laxative, and powerful antispasmodic. Lobelia has proven to be helpful for angina pectoris, cramps, dysmenorrhea, hyperactivity, inflammation, spastic bowel, swelling, and ulcers. Lobelia’s muscle-relaxing properties help ease muscle tension and inflammation, also making lobelia useful for back problems, muscle pulls, sprains and tension headaches.

Marshmallow increases the production of mucosal fluids which soothes inflamed tissues and helps heal both internal and external inflammatory conditions. Marshmallow is especially beneficial for soothing and protecting mucous membranes and for counteracting excess stomach acid, gastritis, hiatal hernias, and peptic ulcers. Marshmallow is also considered mildly laxative, and is often used for various intestinal problems, including colitis, diverticulitis, enteritis, irritable bowel syndrome, and regional ileitis. Recent research indicates a possible reduction in blood sugar levels using marshmallow, which could be of benefit to diabetics.

Slippery elm has been found to be an effective remedy for irritation of the mucus membranes, stomach, intestines, and urinary tubules. When slippery elm makes contact with inflamed surfaces, its mucilage coats and soothes irritated tissues, helping to protect them from injury and drawing out irritants and toxic substances. Slippery elm is believed to also soothe inflammation by stimulating nerve endings in the stomach and intestines which in turn, results in the secretion of mucosal fluids. Due to its high mucilage content, slippery elm has been shown to be quite effective for absorbing toxins from the bowel, balancing intestinal flora, and reducing bowel transit time. Slippery elm has been found extremely beneficial for acidity, arthritic inflammation, asthma, bronchitis, chronic cystitis, colic, colitis, constipation, convalescence, coughs, diarrhea, diverticulitis, gastroenteritis, hemorrhoids, inflammatory/irritable bowel conditions, pleurisy, sore throat, tuberculosis, ulcers and weak digestion.

Wild yam possesses antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-rheumatic properties, and also promotes perspiration and urination. Dioscin, a steroidal saponin found in wild yam produces an anti-inflammatory action which confirms the herb’s use for treating rheumatic conditions and gastrointestinal inflammation. Wild yam is also being used for its therapeutic action on general liver health. Wild yam helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure, indirectly benefiting the liver by increasing the organ’s efficiency and reducing stress.

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