
  • Stock #1683-7 (16 fl.oz.)
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Chlorophyll, the substance responsible for a plant’s green color, is able to purify the body, relieve inflammation, and act as a rejuvenative tonic. During World War II, chlorophyll’s antiseptic properties merited its use as a common first-aid treatment to prevent festering of wounds. Chlorophyll soothes swelling and encourages granulation, the process by which new tissues are repaired, regrowing over injuries.

Chlorophyll is often used in the treatment of anemia and anemic conditions. Chlorophyll is so often used for anemia that it has been called “the blood of plants.” This statement is actually quite accurate as there exists an almost identical molecular structure between chlorophyll and hemoglobin (red blood cells). The difference lies in the central atom: chlorophyll contains a magnesium ion responsible for the green coloration in plants, while hemoglobin, contains an iron molecule which provides blood its red color.

Chlorophyll dilates blood vessels, thus improving circulation, and assists in the transmission of nerve impulses which control heart muscle contraction. This process enables the heart rate to be slowed, while increasing the power of each contraction, thereby improving the overall efficiency of cardiac function.

Chlorophyll provides a mild antibiotic action which destroys bacterial growth in wounds and anaerobic fungi and yeasts found in the digestive tract. Chlorophyll helps to remove drug deposits from the body, and negates the harmful effects of radiation, toxins and many carcinogens.

Chlorophyll normalizes production of digestive fluids and stimulates peristaltic action in the colon, relieving constipation. Chlorophyll has been found to inhibit excess pepsin secretion and inflammation commonly associated with gastric ulcers. Chlorophyll also improves liver function and encourages the regeneration of damaged liver cells.

Chlorophyll has been known to relieve inflammation associated with arthritis, gastrointestinal problems, pancreatitis, sore throat and all types of skin problems.

Chlorophyll acts as a natural deodorant, eliminating both body odor and bad breath. Chlorophyll inhibits gum infections and tooth decay such as gingivitis and pyorrhea (when used to brush teeth). It also soothes laryngitis, sore throat and tonsillitis when used as a gargle every few hours.

Chlorophyll promotes the growth of healthy intestinal flora, eliminates water retention, enhances breast-milk production in nursing mothers, soothes nervousness, and stimulates enzyme production of vitamins A, E and K.

Liquid chlorophyll is very easy for the body to absorb and assimilate, as it crosses directly into the bloodstream without having to be digested.

Each teaspoon of Liquid Chlorophyll contains 15mg of pure, water-soluble chlorophyllins obtained from alfalfa.

Liquid Chlorophyll contains Purified water, Sodium copper chlorophyllins (obtained from alfalfa), Methylparaben, Spearmint oil, and Propylparaben.

Spearmint oil contains a terpene derivative, carvone, which is responsible for the oils ability to relieve mild indigestion, dispel nausea, eliminate gas, and soothe spasmodic stomach and abdominal pain.

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