Capsicum & Garlic with Parsley

  • Stock #832-3 (100 capsules)
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Capsicum & Garlic with Parsley focuses its action primarily on the circulatory system by enhancing circulation, strengthening cardiovascular function, normalizing blood pressure, and reducing blood cholesterol levels. Capsicum & Garlic with Parsley also helps stimulate perspiration, increases the production of digestive fluids, and combats infection.

Capsicum & Garlic with Parsley is commonly used for arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis, asthma, chronic chills, colds, coughs, fever, heart arrhythmia, hemorrhoids, hypertension, impotence (resulting for vascular insufficiency), indigestion, parasites, poor circulation, rheumatism, skin eruptions, varicose veins and worms.

Capsicum has long been used as a stimulant to increase circulation and cardiovascular activity, while at the same time lowering blood pressure and aiding in the prevention of heart attack and stroke. Capsicum’s warming properties are useful for poor circulation and related conditions, including cold hands and feet, cold stages of fevers, and varicose veins. Capsicum is believed to help cardiovascular disease because of its stimulating action and ability to break down cholesterol buildup. Capsaicin, the active constituent which makes capsicum hot, promotes the conversion of cholesterol into bile acids which can then be excreted by the body—an action which may help prevent atherosclerosis. Capsicum has been found beneficial for numerous ailments, including arthritis, cardiovascular disease, gastric ulcers, vascular headaches, impotence (resulting from venous insufficiency), infections, kidney problems, menstrual complaints, respiratory conditions such as asthma and pleurisy and thyroid dysfunction.

Garlic has been shown to treat a variety of circulatory, digestive, respiratory and urinary problems. Garlic inhibits platelet aggregation and encourages the breakdown and production of fibrin, a clotting protein implicated in heart disease and strokes. Garlic reduces hypertension and lowers serum cholesterol, serum triglycerides and blood fats. Garlic has also been shown to raise HDL cholesterol levels. Garlic enhances immune function, fights infection, and is an excellent remedy for a variety of chest complaints. In fact, garlic has been shown to reduce bronchial secretions which helps asthma. Garlic also acts as an effective expectorant. In the urinary system, garlic produces a cleansing reaction in the kidneys which causes an increase in urine flow. Furthermore, garlic increases bile production, thus enhancing digestion. Some of the more popular uses for garlic include asthma, atherosclerosis, cancer, colds, coronary heart disease, coughs, diabetes, ear infections, flu, hemorrhoids, hypertension, inflammatory skin problems, intestinal parasites, tumors and urinary infections.

Parsley stimulates production of digestive fluids and enhances the elimination of wastes from inflamed joints via the kidneys. Parsley helps tone the urinary system and has been used effectively for almost any type of kidney and urinary problem. Parsley effectively dries watery mucous conditions and acts as an antispasmodic. Parsley also lowers blood pressure, strengthens the adrenal glands, and enhances brain and optic nerve function. Parsley is a rich source of iron and provides numerous trace minerals, particularly the electrolytes calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium. Parsley also provides vitamins A, B, C, and K, protein (up to 25%), and chlorophyll. Parsley actually contains several times the amount of vitamin C found in citrus.

Caution should be used if an individual has any acute inflammation of the kidneys or gastrointestinal tract.

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