Blessed Thistle

  • Stock #100-1 (100 capsules)
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Blessed thistle has an extremely bitter taste and is reported to help encourage appetite and improve digestion. Blessed thistle is therefore, often used for treating anorexia and poor appetite associated with depression. Blessed thistle stimulates digestive secretions and the production of mucosal fluids in the intestines which helps soothe irritated tissues. Blessed thistle has been found to be a valuable digestive tonic for diarrhea, dyspepsia, and flatulent colic.

Blessed thistle also helps reduce fever and inflammation, and acts as an antibiotic, antiseptic, and mild expectorant. Blessed thistle’s anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties are primarily due to the presence of a sesquiterpene lactone called cnicin.

Blessed thistle is commonly though of as a feminine tonic to increase milk production in nursing mothers, and to treat painful menstruation. Blessed thistle also checks excessive bleeding. In vitro studies have shown an extract of blessed thistle demonstrates anti-yeast activity against Candida albicans, responsible for causing both thrush and vaginal yeast infections. Antibacterial activity against various microorganisms has also been documented

Blessed thistle seems to work well on problems of the gallbladder, kidneys and liver, and is combined in homeopathic tinctures to treat arthritis, hepatitis and jaundice.

Experimental studies have shown blessed thistle exhibits cytotoxicity (toxicity towards cells) against cancer cells in cell cultures, as well as antitumor action against sarcoma cells in mice.

Excessive intake of blessed thistle may cause vomiting.

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