
  • Stock #750-2 (100 capsules)
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Since ancient times men have used yarrow to stop bleeding in battle wounds. Yarrow has been used to treat both internal and external bleeding of all types, including bleeding piles, excessive menstruation, hemorrhages, rashes, sores, and bleeding from the lungs and urinary organs.

Yarrow displays a variety of effects upon the body, including alleviating inflammation, arresting blood flow, counteracting fevers, increasing urine flow, inducing perspiration, relaxing muscle spasms, preventing blood clots, and acting as an astringent and expectorant. Antibiotic properties have also been confirmed in studies.

Anti-inflammatory properties supplied by the chemical, chamazulene, have been documented in animal studies, supporting the use of yarrow for hemorrhoids, ulcers, and other inflammatory conditions.

Yarrow’s astringent quality tightens tissues and helps stop diarrhea, excessive menstrual flow, and nosebleeds. The alkaloid achilleine, is responsible for yarrow’s ability to staunch both internal and external bleeding. Yarrow also helps tone and reduce hemorrhoids and varicose veins.

Yarrow contains flavonoids which produce an antispasmodic effect on the body, relieving muscle cramps and spasms, especially associated with dysmenorrhea.

As a blood cleanser, yarrow promotes the removal of body toxins via perspiration, and is often recommended for chicken pox and smallpox. Yarrow also enhances the elimination of uric acid buildup in the joints which can contribute to arthritis, gout and rheumatism.

Yarrow stimulates urine flow, aiding bladder and kidney congestion, as well as helping incontinence in children.

Studies have confirmed the presence of bitter constituents in yarrow, called azulenes and sesquiterpene lactones, which have a stimulatory effect on gastric secretions, thus aiding weak digestion, colic, and dyspepsia.

Yarrow has been reported to relieve hay fever, and is particularly effective for such feverish conditions as colds, influenza, measles, and typhoid, and for reducing excessive mucus.

Yarrow is a rich source of the minerals chromium and tin, and contains fairly high amounts of vitamin B1, B2 and C, and potassium and selenium.

Individuals allergic to ragweed may experience allergic reactions to yarrow.

This information is provided by YourRoadLessTraveled.com