• Stock #1130-2 (100 capsules)
This information is provided by YourRoadLessTraveled.com
X-A is an herbal combination to increase energy, strength, and vitality. X-A is designed primarily for men, focusing on the health of the cardiovascular, immune, reproductive, and urinary systems. X-A contains herbs which enhance circulation, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, improve memory, increase immunity and sex drive, and relieve urinary dysfunction. This blend of herbs also provides important vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients to nourish and strengthen the body.

X-A is a commonly used for cardiovascular disease, cystitis, debility, decreased libido, depression, dysuria, edema, fatigue, high cholesterol, hypertension, impotence, incontinence, infertility, muscle cramps and spasms, poor memory, prostatitis, respiratory problems, urinary tract infection, and weakened immunity.

Although X-A is formulated with men in mind, many women have reported improvements in energy, menstrual and menopausal complaints, sex drive, and overall health and wellness.

Capsicum has long been used as a stimulant to increase circulation and cardiovascular activity, while at the same time lowering blood pressure and aiding in the prevention of heart attack and stroke. Capsicum is believed to help cardiovascular disease because of its stimulating action and ability to breakdown cholesterol buildup. Capsicum has been found beneficial for numerous ailments, including arthritis, vascular headaches, impotence (resulting from venous insufficiency), infections, kidney problems, menstrual complaints, respiratory conditions such as asthma and pleurisy, thyroid dysfunction, and gastric ulcers. Studies indicate capsicum may be useful for mild depression and for improving athletic performance.

Chickweed provides ample amounts of viscous fiber and stimulates digestion due to the presence of triterpenoid saponins. Chickweed is believed to help break up fat and fatty deposits in the body, perhaps due to these same saponins. Chickweed has been shown to help gastrointestinal problems such as constipation, hemorrhoids, intestinal toxicity, and ulcers, as well as balance intestinal flora, provide bulk to the stool, and reduce bowel transit time. Chickweed also helps reduce inflammation and acts as a blood purifier and anti-rheumatic agent. Chickweed promotes a cleansing, soothing, tonic effect on the urinary system for relieving cystitis and urinary tract inflammation.

Damiana is a tonic and restorative herb for the nervous system, as well as a mild antidepressant. Its tonic action is partly due to the constituent, thymol. Technically speaking, damiana is a thymoleptic—having a life-enhancing and stimulating action on the body and mind. Damiana has been given to people suffering from anxiety, mild to moderate depression, fatigue, and nervous exhaustion. Damiana’s stimulating and restorative properties make it valuable when anxiety and depression occur together, as often happens after long-term stress. Due to its testosterogenic properties, damiana has always been seen principally as an herb for men, helpful in treating premature ejaculation and impotence. As a diuretic and urinary antiseptic, damiana is useful in the treatment of urinary infections such as cystitis and urethritis, incontinence, nephritis, and prostatitis.

Garlic has been shown to treat a variety of circulatory, digestive, respiratory and urinary problems. Garlic inhibits platelet aggregation and encourages the breakdown and production of fibrin, a clotting protein implicated in heart disease and strokes. Garlic reduces hypertension and lowers serum cholesterol, serum triglycerides and blood fats. Garlic also been shown to raise HDL cholesterol levels. Garlic enhances immune function, fights infection, and is an excellent remedy for a variety of chest complaints. In fact, garlic has been shown to reduce bronchial secretions which helps asthma. Garlic also acts as an effective expectorant. In the urinary system, garlic produces a cleansing reaction in the kidneys which causes an increase in urine flow. Furthermore, garlic increases bile production, thus enhancing digestion. Some of the more popular uses for garlic include asthma, atherosclerosis, cancer, colds, coronary heart disease, coughs, diabetes, ear infections, flu, hemorrhoids, hypertension, inflammatory skin problems, intestinal parasites, tumors, and urinary infections.

Gotu kola is often referred to as “brain food,” because it enhances memory and energy, and stimulates the pituitary gland. Gotu kola has been proven an effective treatment for numerous mental disorders, as well as for reducing high blood pressure and high serum cholesterol levels. Recent research confirms gotu kola acts as a blood purifier, diuretic, and antispasmodic, helping to relieve muscle cramps. Gotu kola has been found to stimulate the immune system, reduce fever and inflammation, and speed the healing of wounds. Numerous studies have shown gotu kola enhances circulation to the lower extremities. Among the more well-known uses for gotu kola are the treatment of brain fatigue, cardiovascular health, depression, high blood pressure, memory problems, menopause, mental disorders, nervous breakdown, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, senility, stamina, and vitality.

Horsetail strengthens the skeletal system, speeding the healing of damaged connective tissue and improving elasticity. Horsetail is commonly used to relieve arthritic conditions and reduce menopausal bone loss which can lead to osteoporosis. Horsetail is an excellent clotting agent and also provides antibacterial, antiseptic and astringent properties, focusing much of its action on the genitourinary system. Horsetail tones the bladder and urinary mucus membranes, fights infection, and helps heal various urinary tract ailments, especially where there is bleeding. Combined with its diuretic activity, horsetail has been shown to correct cystitis, enuresis, prostatitis, urethritis, and incontinence in both children and adults.

Parthenium, a close relative of echinacea, mimicks the medicinal qualities of echinacea in many ways. Like echinacea, parthenium is an immune system stimulant which assembles and activates T-lymphocytes (killer cells) and other immune system cells. Parthenium contains mucilaginous substances which soothe inflamed tissues. Parthenium has been used by herbalists to treat blood poisoning, debility, fatigue, gastrointestinal infections, inflammatory skin conditions, respiratory infections, tonsillitis, swollen glands, venereal disease, and wounds.

North Americans Indians used Sarsaparilla for healing skin conditions and urinary problems, and as a tonic for sustaining youth and sexual vigor. Sarsaparilla contains saponins which stimulate urine production, making sarsaparilla a natural diuretic for such problems as congestive heart failure, edema, and high blood pressure. Sarsaparilla’s anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties may indicate its use for treating impotence. Sarsaparilla also promotes perspiration and relaxes muscle spasms. Studies show sarsaparilla clearly provides tonic and testosterogenic actions on the body which have been shown to promote muscle bulk and growth, increase libido, and even improve angina pectoris.

The berries of the Saw palmetto plant are regarded by folk medicine as a sexual stimulant, increasing male fertility. Pharmacologically, saw palmetto is classified as having immune stimulating and anti-edema effects. However, saw palmetto is most prized for its ability to reduce enlarged prostate—known as benign prostatic hypertrophy or BPH—and to alleviate the pain and inflammation associated with this condition. Saw palmetto also acts as an antiseptic and astringent, shrinking inflamed urinary system tissues and stimulating urine flow. Saw palmetto is considered by many to be the herb of choice for treating cystitis, impotence, prostatitis, reduced or absent sex drive, testicular atrophy, and urinary tract infections. Due to the presence of steroidal saponins, saw palmetto is considered an anabolic agent, strengthening and building up body tissues and encouraging weight gain. Thus, saw palmetto has gained popularity with body builders and others desiring muscle size and strength, as well as those suffering from general debility, wasting diseases, or failure to thrive.

Numerous studies have outlined the effect of Siberian ginseng on mental and physical behavior, and its action as a brain and nerve tonic for promoting mental clarity. Siberian ginseng has been proven to help restore mental ability in the elderly and improve mental resilience during exams for students taking the herb. Siberian ginseng is used mostly for increasing endurance, stimulating circulatory and immune function, and regulating blood pressure. Russian studies have documented Siberian ginseng’s ability to strengthening the body against environmental stress and to improve physical performance. Siberian ginseng has been shown to directly influence the adrenal-pituitary axis, resulting in an increased resistance to the effects of stress, including cold, heat, infection, and even radiation. Siberian ginseng has also been shown to stimulate production of digestive fluids, balance blood sugar levels, and help reduce inflammation. Siberian ginseng is generally recommended for anemia, debility, diarrhea, diabetes, fatigue, hypoglycemia, impotence, menopause, poor memory, and weak digestion.

This information is provided by YourRoadLessTraveled.com