Vitamin B6

  • Stock #1626-6 (120 capsules)
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Nature’s Sunshine Vitamin B6 is a vegetarian supplement providing 50mg of B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) per tablet, in a base of wheat germ flour. This supplement contains no animal by-products.

Vitamin B6 is critical to the normal functioning of over 60 essential enzymes. B6 is also necessary for the production of nucleic acids, protein, red blood cells, immune cells, and neurotransmitters, which keep the brain and nervous system functioning correctly. Insufficient vitamin B6 can cause anemia, nervous disorders, and skin problems. Women are specifically prone to B6 deficiencies, especially when taking oral contraceptives, when pregnant, or when suffering from PMS.

Symptoms of a vitamin B6 deficiency include low blood sugar and low glucose tolerance (hypoglycemia), causing insulin sensitivity, as well as arthritis, cracks around the eyes and mouth, cramps and numbness in the arms and legs, hair loss, heart disorders involving nerves, an increase in urination, neuritis, slow learning, temporary paralysis of a limb, visual disturbances, and water retention during pregnancy. A vitamin B6 deficiency continuing through late pregnancy may cause stillbirth or postdelivery infant mortality. Infants born to women who are B6 deficient can also suffer convulsions. Studies show vitamin B6 retention is higher in pregnant women than non-pregnant women, thus supplementation may be necessary to insure the unborn child receives an adequate supply.

Some symptoms of a B6 deficiency closely resemble those seen in riboflavin (B2) and niacin (B3) deficiencies, such as depression, dermatitis, irritability, muscular weakness, nervousness, shoulder-hand and wrist-hand syndromes, tingling hands, as well as arthritis associated with menopause.

The best dietary sources of B6 are meats and whole grains. The body’s need for B6 is greater during pregnancy and lactation, aging, cardiac failure, exposure to radiation, and with use of oral contraceptives. Large doses of B6 alone can lead to a deficiency or imbalance of other B vitamins. Daily oral doses of 100-300mg have been given without side effects; however, prolonged use of amounts in excess have caused nerve damage in some individuals. Also, as B6 plays a role in the manufacturing of hydrochloric acid, those with stomach ulcers may wish to consult their healthcare practitioner before taking large doses.

The greatest need for vitamin B6 is for sustaining immune system functions. Studies have shown inadequate levels of B6can cause a significant weakening of the immune system. In fact, both AIDS and cancer patients exhibit low levels of B6. Furthermore, B6 may also contain cancer-fighting properties. Studies have shown vitamin B6 supplements enhance the immune system of elderly participants and also decrease the growth of cancerous tumors. Vitamin B6 applied topically in a cream caused melanomas—skin cancers which are very reluctant to treatment—to diminish and even disappear.

Vitamin B6 has also been a great benefit to women suffering from premenstrual symptoms including headaches, irritability, and weight gain. Other reports showed significant relief from anxiety, depression, and nausea. The liver requires sufficient amounts of B6, along with magnesium, to eliminate excess estrogen. As experts consider B6 to be one of the most important defenses against PMS symptoms, many advise women to take a B-complex vitamin daily with 100mg of B6 and 400-800mg of magnesium.

Birth control pills have been shown to cause a vitamin B6 deficiency in the body which, over time, can lead to bone disease and other health problems. Studies have linked low levels of B6, B12 and folic acid with osteoporosis. Women taking birth control pills may wish to supplement their diet with a minimum of 50mg of B6 daily. On the other hand, studies have found women with previous fertility problems were able to conceive after taking B6 supplements.

Dr. Passwater, author of The New Supernutrition, points to research confirming that vitamin B6 helps prevent arterial plaque. Other researchers have found larger dosages of B6 may be necessary for preventing heart disease—high doses of B6 given to experimental animals on high cholesterol diets have prevented arterial plaque build-up. Furthermore, an article in Heart Alert asserted that B6, choline, and folic acid—all part of the B-complex vitamin—can reduce homocysteine (HCY) levels in 3 weeks. Homocysteine, commonly referred to as HCY, is a toxic amino acid obtained from pasteurized cow’s milk and red meat. According to an article in Atherosclerosis Review, HCY is a principal cause of arterial lesions, a blood vessel disease.

A study conducted in 1974 by Harvard researchers, which confirmed studies done in Sweden, found vitamin B6, combined with magnesium, helped prevent the return of “idiopathic calcium-oxalate stones,” which make up 60% of all kidney stones. The Harvard studies showed recurrence of these stones dropped 92%.

Vitamin B6 deficiency can cause neuropathy, a common side effect of diabetes, which damages the nerves in the limbs. Peripheral nerve abnormalities are generally a good sign that B6 supplementation is needed. In fact, some diabetics report having been able to cut back their need for insulin by taking B6.

Other nervous system complications, including convulsions, have been attributed to a vitamin B6 deficiency for many years. In fact, vitamin B6 has been used to stop convulsions in newborns with metabolic disorders for almost half a century.

Carpal tunnel syndrome has also been successfully treated with B6 supplementation. Normally 100-200mg taken daily relieves the problem within about 3 months.

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