Red Clover

  • Stock #550-9 (100 capsules)
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Red clover was originally used in Europe as a diuretic for gout, and as an expectorant. When introduced to America, red clover became widely used as a calming agent for whooping cough. For over the past 100 years, red clover has been used by American herbalists as powerful blood purifier for healing any type of inflammatory skin condition, lump or tumor.

Used as a diuretic and expectorant, red clover stimulates urine flow and the production of mucus to soothe inflamed and irritated tissues. Red clover is thus ideal for treating bronchitis, dry cough, inflamed lungs, and whooping cough.

Red clover helps prevent and relax muscle spasms, thereby reducing abdominal cramping associated with dysmenorrhea, as well as relieving constipation. Uzarin, a constituent of red clover which has been shown to nearly paralyze smooth muscles, is sold in Europe under the name, Uzara, to remedy diarrhea.

Scientists conducting antibiotic tests on red clover have confirmed the herb’s activity against several bacteria, the most notable of which is the bacteria known to cause tuberculosis.

Red clover helps the body manufacture bile and other digestive fluids and enzymes, and is a strong blood purifier, enhancing the elimination of toxins from the bloodstream. Red clover also contains phenolic acids, including salicylic acid, which reduce pain and inflammation. Thus red clover has proven quite effective for treating arthritis, gout, jaundice, liver congestion, and inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.

Laboratory tests show red clover possesses some estrogenic activity, perhaps stemming from the phytoestrogen, coumerol, and flavonoids which are both found in the tops. This may explain red clover’s use for increasing suppressed menstrual flow and menopausal complaints.

According to research published in Cancer Research, scientists have identified an isoflavone in red clover—biochanin A—which has been found to be a powerful carcinogenic inhibitor in animal studies. Many other countries use red clover as a natural treatment for cancers of the breast, lymphatic system, and ovaries.

Red clover contains high concentrations of several important vitamins and minerals, making it an excellent nutritive supplement for many chronic degenerative conditions. Red clover supplies vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, P (bioflavonoids), niacin (B3), and pantothenic acid (B5), as well as the minerals chromium, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, and zinc.

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