Jasmine Absolute

  • Stock #3890-1 (2 ml)
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Jasmine Absolute is one of the most expensive essential oils in the world. A pound of jasmine oil can cost as much as $3,000 to $4,000, largely because of the complex, painstaking and time-consuming process by which the oil is produced. It takes approximately 8 million jasmine blossoms to produce each kilogram (2.20 pounds) of oil, and these white star-shaped blooms must be gathered in the early hours before sunrise when jasmine’s extraordinarily fragrant essence is at its peak.1-3

Jasmine oil’s mildly euphoric scent has an intensely rich, warm, sweet-floral aroma with a pronounced sensual, musky note. This exquisite fragrance is often described as warmly reassuring and profoundly inspirational, having the ability to bolster one’s confidence and optimism. Many of jasmine’s beneficial effects on psychosomatic ills (physical complaints having a more immediate psychological origin) stems from its antidepressant and euphoric characteristics. Jasmine is regarded as a powerful antidepressant that enhances feelings of elation and euphoria, and helps relieve apathy, indifference and depression. In fact, Japanese studies have shown that jasmine even increases alertness by stimulating beta brain-wave activity. However, jasmine also demonstrates sedative properties, which make it useful for relaxing anxiety and calming fear. Thus, jasmine is employed as a psychotherapeutic remedy for a wide range of emotional and stress-related problems, including anger, anxiety, apathy, depression, grief, heartbreak, hypochondria, lack of confidence, lethargy, listlessness, nervous exhaustion, nervous tension, PMS, and panic, as well as simple fear or complex paranoia.1-8

In addition, jasmine oil is a reputed aphrodisiac for hypoactive libido (underactive sex drive) and problems of impotence or frigidity. In fact, the combination of jasmine’s sensually romantic and sedative qualities make it an ideal remedy where there is anxiety surrounding sexuality. Jasmine’s aphrodisiac effect can also be enhanced by combining it with rose, ylang ylang or clary sage essential oils.1,3,6,7

Like rose oil, jasmine oil has an affinity for the female reproductive system. Jasmine is a stabilizing uterine tonic and nervine for painful menstruation, and especially for the uterine pains accompanying childbirth—jasmine oil provides natural analgesic (pain-relieving), antispasmodic (muscle-relaxing), and anti-inflammatory properties. Plus, jasmine has been shown to help reduce stress for the mother during labor. Following childbirth, jasmine is used to relieve postnatal depression (blend with bergamot or clary sage for added benefit), exhaustion and hormonal changes. During menopause, jasmine is recommended to inspire a woman’s confidence in her femininity and sensuality and to promote feelings of optimism, warmth and well-being.1,3,5-7,9

Used topically, jasmine oil is a superior facial skin oil for both its anti-inflammatory and cell-rejuvenating properties. Jasmine is especially suited for dry, irritated or sensitive skin. Jasmine is can also be used to soothe muscle tension and relieve muscular aches, pains, spasms and sprains.1,3,6-8

Furthermore, jasmine oil demonstrates antiseptic, antifungal and antiviral activity. Jasmine also acts as an expectorant. Although jasmine is recognized as a good remedy for bronchial and respiratory ailments (catarrh, chest infections, cough, hoarseness, laryngitis, sore throat, etc.), its high cost may make its use somewhat prohibitive, especially since there are other less expensive oils that are just as, if not, more effective for such purposes.1,3,5-7

Jasmine oil’s many benefits are typically derived through inhalation or topical application via massage or relaxational baths, since the oil is generally too thick for use in a diffuser. Plus, jasmine blends well with other essential oils and is often included in various oil blends.1,5

Jasmine oil is non-irritant, non-toxic, and generally non-sensitizing; however, an allergic reaction has been known to occur in some sensitive individuals. Thus, individuals prone to allergies or having highly sensitive skin may need to avoid use. In addition, jasmine oil should not be used during early pregnancy. General recommendations suggest using jasmine oil in moderation, both in terms of frequency and quantity.3,5,6

This information is provided by YourRoadLessTraveled.com

1Damian, P. & Damian, K. Aromatherapy: Scent and Psyche. Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press, 1995.

2Schiller, C. & Schiller, D. Aromatherapy Oils: A Complete Guide. NY, NY: Sterling Publishing, 1996.

3Wildwood, C. The Encyclopedia of Aromatherapy. Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press, 1996.

4“The Nose Knows: Aromatherapy For Romance.” Delicious-Online; February, 2002.

5Selby, A. Aromatherapy. NY, NY: Macmillan, 1996.

6McIntyre, A. Flower Power. NY, N: Henry Holt and Company, 1996.

7Lawless, J. The Encyclopaedia of Essential Oils. Rockport, MA: Element Books, 1992.

8Chevallier, A. The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants. NY, NY: Dorling Kindersley, 1996.

9Buckle RGN, J. Clinical Aromatherapy in Nursing. San Diego, CA: Singular Publishing Group, 1997