
  • Stock #380-9 (100 capsules)
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Hops are most commonly known for their use in beer, adding flavor and aroma. Hops are also used because of their natural antibiotic or bacteria-fighting properties—they act as a type of herbal preservative.

Herbalists have long used hops as a standard for calming and relaxing nerves, anxiety, excitability, irritability, nervous/tension headaches, and nervous gastrointestinal complaints, including irritable bowel syndrome. Hops are a popular natural sedative for promoting sleep, with effects noticed within 20-30 minutes after ingestion. In fact, hops have a more direct correlation to inducing sleep than does valerian, and are widely used for insomnia or restless sleep. A common folk remedy for improving sleep is to fill a pillow with hops and use it in place of a regular pillow.

Hops have also been found to act as a diuretic for bladder and kidney problems such as cystitis, painful urination and urinary tract infections; as an expectorant to clear the lungs; as an aid for killing worms; and as a pain-reliever and antispasmodic for certain forms of asthma, as well as colic, menstrual pain, muscle cramps, and spastic colon.

Hops have been found to exhibit certain hormonal effects, especially estrogenic activity. Hops are noted as being beneficial for premature ejaculation and priapism—an abnormal condition of prolonged erection which is often painful and seldom associated with arousal.

Research indicates hops help clear up skin problems, including eczema, herpes, leg ulcers, ring worm, and skin discoloration. Additional research has shown that hops exhibited antibacterial action in vitro against Staphylococcus aureus, a bacteria which can cause pneumonia and other disease conditions.

A recent study found hops demonstrate some hypoglycemic activity and may help decrease cravings for alcohol.

Hops contains one of the highest known sources of vitamin B3 (niacin), which is responsible for the “flush” that may sometimes occur as niacin enhances peripheral circulation. Hops are fairly rich in vitamin B2 and C, and the minerals manganese, potassium and selenium.

Hops also contain bitter compounds known as hop acids, which stimulate the production of digestive fluids, helping to neutralize over-acid stomach and soothe indigestion, thus improving overall digestion.

One bitter constituent, valerianic acid, contributes to hops\’ sedative properties, though researchers have yet to determine exactly how it works. The hop acids, humulon and lupulon, possess antiseptic qualities, while other hop acids are believed to depress central nervous system activity.

Hops is not recommended for those with a history of depression.

This information is provided by YourRoadLessTraveled.com