Gastro Health

  • Stock #917-9 (60 capsules)
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Gastro Health is a unique herbal formula designed to inhibit the growth of a bacteria known as Helicobacter pylori or H. pylori, for short. Recent scientific research has implicated this bacteria as a leading cause of ulcers and chronic gastritis. Gastro Health contains a concentrated form of several herbs shown to exhibit antibacterial activity against H. pylori. Gastro Health also contains herbs to soothe inflamed tissues, assist in the healing of mucous membranes, and relieve stomach discomfort. Gastro Health is considered especially beneficial for gastritis and stomach ulcers, and for the prevention of stomach cancer.

Studies show over 4 million people have ulcers. Many more suffer from chronic gastritis, with symptoms such as burning, cramping, and abdominal aching. These symptoms are often temporary, usually coming in waves and lasting for only 3-4 days at a time, with pain being worse prior to meals and at bedtime.

According to a study published in The New England Journal of Medicine, more than 90% of people having duodenal ulcers and 80% having gastric ulcers are infected with H. pylori. This bacteria has been found to suppress hydrochloric acid production, which would normally kill any bacteria and parasites in the stomach. When H. pylori invades stomach tissues, white blood cells respond to the area resulting in inflammation. Prolonged inflammation can destroy the stomach’s protective lining, as can H. pylori itself. This bacteria can break down the mucin—the stomach’s protective layer—allowing any available hydrochloric acid to come in contact with unprotected stomach tissues. In either case, the result is chronic superficial gastritis, with burning, pain and indigestion. Left untreated, this problem can escalate into a peptic ulcer, or worse, chronic atrophic gastritis, which can lead to stomach cancer. In fact, an article published in Contemporary Gastroenterology indicated 50% of patients with non-ulcer gastritis are diagnosed with an H. pylori infection.

Another study published in The New England Journal of Medicine, found over 90% of people suffering from stomach cancer have H. pylori specific antibodies in the bloodstream for an average of 13 years before diagnosis. Furthermore, those having H. pylori antibodies are 3 times more likely to develop stomach cancer during the next 1-24 years.

Capsicum supports the stomach during times of discomfort and distress. Capsicum stimulates blood circulation, induces perspiration, increases the production of digestive fluids, and relaxes muscle spasms. Capsicum is often used for colic, cold limbs, dropsy, flatulence, rheumatic arthritis, and ulcers.

Cloves extract (concentrated) stimulate circulation, increase the production of digestive and mucosal fluids, alleviate pain, and act as an antiseptic and local anesthetic, helping to relieve pain associated with infection and toothache. Cloves contain a volatile oil, comprised mostly of eugenol (a phenol), which has been shown to be strongly antibacterial. Numerous studies have demonstrated cloves\’ antibacterial, anticandidal (Journal of Ethnopharmacology), antifungal, antimicrobial (Journal of Ethnopharmacology), and antiviral (Planta Medica) activities. Cloves are also commonly used to expel parasites and repel insects. Cloves\’ antispasmodic properties, combined with their ability to enhance digestion, have been used to relieve abdominal distension (bloating), colic, cramping, and gas, as well as chronic coughs and muscle spasms. Recent research suggests possible benefit for treating peptic ulcers with cloves.

Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) extract provides nutrients essential for optimal digestive function. Studies have shown DGL is both safer and more effective in treating peptic ulcers than either Tagamet or Zantac, the two most popular prescription drugs. DGL is licorice root which has been stripped of a substance known as glycyrrhizin, which occurs naturally in the herb but has the ability to raise blood pressure and lower potassium levels in some individuals. DGL improves normal defense mechanisms in the stomach and intestinal cells, stimulates the production of cells which form the protective mucosal lining of the GI tract, encourages blood flow to this protective barrier, and increases the longevity of intestinal tract cells. In comparison, Tagamet and Zantac actually reduce stomach acid secretion and weaken these protective gastrointestinal functions.

A large study involving 874 individuals with chronic duodenal ulcers was conducted, with some receiving DGL, some Tagamet, and others given antacids. After six weeks, 77% of those on DGL were healed, compared to only 63% taking Tagamet. Furthermore, those receiving DGL had a reduced rate of relapse (recurrence of the ulcers), as their natural protective forces had been strengthened by DGL.

Inula racemosa (concentrated), a species of elecampane, has been found to be particularly effective against H. pylori bacteria. As with other varieties of elecampane, inula racemosa relieves indigestion and soothes the lining of the digestive tract with a starchy substance called inulin, which has been found helpful for treating ulcers. Inula racemosa also contains an essential oil which fights bacteria and fungi, and destroys and expels parasitic worms.

Pau d\’arco powder extract (concentrated) is recommended by medical doctors in Brazil for its antifungal properties against ringworm, systemic Candida albicans yeast infections, and other gastrointestinal parasite infestations. Pau d\’arco is rich in lapachol, an immuno-stimulant compound, which is responsible for much of the herb’s antibiotic properties.

Gastro Health can be taken along with other antibiotics, anti-ulcer medications, or digestive products.

Nature’s Sunshine Products has been awarded a patent for Gastro Health by the U.S. Patent Office. The name of the patent is “Composition and Method for Treating and Preventing Helicobacter pylori-associated Stomach Gastritis, Ulcers and Cancer” – United States Patent No. 6,187,313 B1

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