Slippery Elm

  • Stock #670-7 (100 capsules)
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Slippery elm contains up to 50% mucilage, making it an ideal topical application for burns, skin eruptions and wounds. As a tea, slippery elm has a soothing effect on throat, stomach and intestinal tissues, reducing inflammation and irritation.

Slippery elm has been found to be an effective remedy for irritation of the mucus membranes, stomach, intestines, and urinary tubules. When slippery elm makes contact with inflamed surfaces, its mucilage coats and soothes irritated tissues, helping to protect them from injury and drawing out irritants and toxic substances. Slippery elm is believed to also soothe inflammation by stimulating nerve endings in the stomach and intestines which in turn, results in the secretion of mucosal fluids. Due to its high mucilage content, slippery elm has been shown to be quite effective for absorbing toxins from the bowel, balancing intestinal flora, and reduces bowel transit time.

Slippery elm has been found extremely beneficial for acidity, arthritic inflammation, asthma, bronchitis, chronic cystitis, colic, colitis, constipation, convalescence, coughs, diarrhea, diverticulitis, gastroenteritis, hemorrhoids, inflammatory/irritable bowel conditions, pleurisy, sore throat, tuberculosis, ulcers, and weak digestion.

Slippery elm contains vitamin K, needed for blood clotting and bone formation, and vitamin P (bioflavonoids), which strengthens connective tissues and helps fight infection and inflammation, as well as the minerals calcium and phosphorus.

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