
  • Stock #1765-8 (2 fl.oz.)
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North American Indian tribes have used lobelia to induce vomiting, and as a laxative and tobacco substitute. Early medicine used lobelia to treat asthma, cleanse the blood and prevent syphilis. As a natural muscle relaxant, lobelia was often employed in midwifery to relax the pelvic muscles in preparation for childbirth.

Today, herbalists typically use lobelia to stimulate perspiration, dilate bronchioles, and expel phlegm, especially in cases of laryngitis and bronchitis. Lobelia also calms the nerves and acts as a natural sedative, mild laxative, and powerful antispasmodic. Lobelia may even enhance hormone production.

Lobelia has proven to be helpful for angina pectoris, asthma (especially bronchial asthma), chronic bronchitis, bruises, constipation, cramps, dysmenorrhea, epilepsy, hyperactivity, inflammation, insect bites, poison ivy symptoms, ringworm, spastic bowel, swelling, ulcers, and whooping cough.

Lobelia is also employed topically for myositis—inflammation of muscle tissue, usually of the voluntary muscles—and rheumatic nodules. Its muscle-relaxing properties help ease muscle tension and inflammation, which also make lobelia useful for back problems, muscle pulls, and sprains.

Lobelia is commonly used as a tobacco substitute in over-the-counter formulas designed to help individuals quit smoking. Approximately 50 million Americans smoke or use some type of tobacco product. Lobelia contains a piperidine alkaloid called lobeline, which is similar in molecular structure to nicotine. However, lobeline does not possess any of nicotine’s harmful and addictive qualities. Lobeline has been found to naturally help quench the desire for nicotine, and studies show lobeline blocks nicotine-induced increased heart rate. Another benefit to smokers is lobelia helps strengthen and rebuild the respiratory system, stimulating the respiratory center within the brain to produce deeper, stronger breathing. In fact, lobeline is used to stimulate breathing in newborns. Furthermore, lobelia leaves contain a substance known as BAP (beta-amyrin palmitate) which acts as a mild sedative and antidepressant.

Lobelia contains fairly high amounts of vitamins A and C, and manganese.

In cases of emergency involving narcotic or poisonous overdoses, large doses of lobelia will induce vomiting, diarrhea and urination to purge the body, and may also provide a sedative-like effect afterward. According to Nutritional Herbology, a large dose is classified as 2.5-4.0 grams of dried, powdered lobelia.

Lobelia is not recommended for pregnant women or those with heart complaints.

Liquid Lobelia Essence contains lobelia extract in an alcohol, glycerin, and apple cider vinegar base.

This information is provided by YourRoadLessTraveled.com