Kidney Activator

  • Stock #973-9 (50 capsules)
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Kidney Activator is an herbal combination that fights infection and reduces inflammation in the urinary system, particularly the bladder and kidneys. Kidney Activator strengthens and tones the urinary system, relaxes muscle spasms, soothes the nerves, stimulates urine flow to reduce lactic and uric acid buildup, and increases circulation to promote healing of tissues damaged by infection or inflammation. Kidney Activator also contains herbs that help improve digestion.

Kidney Activator has been used for numerous problems, including arthritis, cystitis, dysuria, edema, gout, hypertension, nephritis, prostatitis, rheumatism, urinary stones, and urinary tract infection.

Chamomile helps fight bacteria and fungus, and works especially well against Candida albicans, staphylococcus, streptococcus, and urinary tract infections. The volatile oils in chamomile are primarily responsible for the herb’s analgesic (pain-relieving), anti-inflammatory, and antispasmodic effects. Researchers have also found the volatile oil helps relieve uremia in laboratory animals, which may indicate the herb’s usefulness in the future treatment of problems associated with impaired kidney function.

Dandelion has been shown to help the liver and gallbladder filter out toxins and purify the blood, as well as stimulates the kidneys to eliminate toxins through the urine. In essence, all glands associated with digestive function respond quickly and effectively to dandelion. Dandelion is a source of bitter flavonoids which purify the blood, increase urine flow, relieve inflammation and muscle spasms, and provide a mild laxative action. The herb is especially beneficial for spleen ailments and for eliminating uric acid buildup. Dandelion has also been used to treat acne, frequent urination, rheumatism, urinary disorders, water retention, chronic joint complaints, including gout and osteoarthritis, and edema resulting from high blood pressure and heart weakness.

Juniper berries contain strong antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic (pain-relieving) properties which are helpful for treating infections, especially within the urinary tract. Juniper berries are an effective natural diuretic and have been found to be especially beneficial for problems of the bladder, kidneys, and prostate. Juniper berries are effective at fighting both bacterial and yeast infections, as well as chronic prostate and urinary tract infections in men with benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), also referred to as enlarged prostate. Juniper berries are commonly recommended for arthritis, colic, cystitis, dysuria, flatulence, gout, kidney inflammation, kidney stones, poor digestion, rheumatism, sinusitis, ulcers, urethritis, and water retention. Furthermore, juniper berries are a rich source of chromium and have been used to treat blood sugar imbalances.

Parsley stimulates production of digestive fluids and enhances the elimination of wastes from inflamed joints via the kidneys. Parsley helps tone the urinary system and has been used effectively for almost any type of kidney and urinary problems, including dysuria, edema, nephritis, prostatitis, swollen breasts and glands, and urinary tract infections. Parsley also helps with stones in the bladder, gall bladder, or kidneys. Parsley effectively dries watery mucous conditions and is helpful for allergies, asthma, bronchitis, coughs, dropsy (hydrops), and mucus in the bladder. Parsley also relaxes muscle spasms, lowers blood pressure, strengthens the adrenal glands, and enhances brain and optic nerve function.

Uva ursi is an herb which focuses its many actions on the urinary system. Uva ursi soothes and tightens inflamed tissues, helps neutralize urine acidity, promotes urine flow, and acts as an antiseptic and muscle relaxant specific to the urinary tract, thus decreasing responses to pain stimuli from infections. Uva ursi also provides an anesthetic quality capable of numbing pain in the urinary system. Uva ursi has also been shown to help prevent and dissolve kidney and gallstones, induce labor, and help problems associated with diabetes and the prostate gland. Common uses include bedwetting, bladder ailments, cystitis, gonorrhea, hemorrhoids, kidney congestion and infections, nephritis, rheumatism, urinary tract infections, vaginal discharge, and venereal disease.

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