Germanium Combination

  • Stock #1652-3 (30 capsules)
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Germanium is a trace element which increases cellular oxygen intake, as well as improves both circulation and overall cardiovascular functioning. Germanium helps lower high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Germanium has also been shown to facilitate the removal of toxic metals, especially mercury, cadmium and lead, and to protect the body from carbon monoxide poisoning.

Germanium promotes a normalizing effect on the body’s physiological functions, including blood pressure and immune response. Germanium also balances blood chemistry and composition in postsurgical patients. Japanese researchers have even used germanium to enhance the effectiveness of, or act as a substitute for morphine for cancer patients.

Germanium possesses antiviral and antitumor properties and has been shown to inhibit the growth and spreading of tumors in animals. There have been numerous reports of positive effects on human cancer, most likely due to germanium’s ability to restore and enhance immune function, particularly interferon production, and its ability to enhance cellular oxygenation. Presently, nearly 30 Japanese institutions are studying the effects of germanium on numerous cancers, including brain, gastrointestinal, lung, and obstetric cancer, leukemia and lymphoma.

Germanium has been shown to enhance poor circulation and inhibit the progress of advanced cases of Raynaud’s disease.

According to the Osaka International Symposium, germanium is reported to help relieve joint pain and morning stiffness associated with arthritis and rheumatism.

Russian scientists have found germanium inhibits the reproduction of HIV in test tube studies.

Germanium is found in abundance in medicinal plants such as boxthorn seed, ginseng, ling zhi, reishi, sanzukon, shelf fungus (a traditional Russian anticancer remedy), shiitake, sushi and waternut. Other sources containing fairly large amounts of germanium include unrefined aloe vera juice, barley, chlorella, comfrey, garlic and suma.

Large doses of germanium, those exceeding 2 grams per day, may cause skin rash and stool softening, both of which disappear when supplementation is ceased. Also, according to an article in Clinical Nephrology, the type of germanium supplement used is important due to differing chemical properties—long-term daily supplementation of doses of 50-250mg of Germanium Dioxide have contributed to kidney failure.

Dr. Kazuhiko Asai, Japanese researcher and author of Miracle Cure: Organic Germanium, was one of the first to discover the tremendous health value of germanium for treating degenerative diseases. Through his extensive research, Dr. Asai developed a germanium concentrate called “bis carboxyethyl sesquioxide,” also known as “Ge-132” or “Organic Germanium,” which has become the standard in quality germanium supplements.

Each NSP Germanium Combination tablet provides:

Pure Bis Carboxyethyl Germanium Sesquioxide – 30mg
Echinacea plant – 100mg

Echinacea is now considered one of the best-known and extremely safe immune strengtheners available. Echinacea has been shown to fight bronchitis, colds, flu, infection, strep throat and other immune and respiratory problems. Taking echinacea at the first sign of cold or flu can arrest the problem and shorten the duration of symptoms. Echinacea is also a blood and lymph cleanser and has been shown to be quite effective against Streptococcus—a genus of bacteria which can cause gastrointestinal, respiratory and urinary tract infections, among others—as well as blood poisoning, chronic infections, fungal problems, gingivitis, inflammatory skin conditions, laryngitis, pyorrhea, sinusitis, swollen glands, tonsillitis and postviral fatigue syndrome, also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). Echinacea is also being studied as a possible treatment for HIV and AIDS.

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